Saturday, October 31, 2009

Repost: "The Great Regression: A Shocking Reality About Recent Giving Trends"

I recently wrote an article regarding the giving trends in the SBC from the Great Depression to today. Even though times are tough economically now, things have not gotten as bad as they have been in the past. It is a sad testimony that the generation that experienced the Great Depression gave more to missions than the present generation. I am as guilty of this as anyone.

The real issue here isn't our financial giving, but what this says about our attitudes regarding the lost. If we truly wanted to see God's glory in the salvation of souls, then Southern Baptists, and Christians in general would be giving more to missions, not less. Yet the more we prosper, the less we give. May God open our eyes and break our hearts!

Here is the article:
"The Great Regression: A Shocking Reality About Recent Giving Trends"

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