Friday, August 10, 2012

Did Jesus Go To Hell After He Died?

Mark Driscoll says no.  I'm not there yet, but I sure am close.  One thing I do know for sure is that the belief that Jesus descended into hell between His crucifixion and resurrection has led to some very dangerous, wrong, and even heretical beliefs.  There are two I just want to mention.

1)  Post-mortem evangelism - Many have unfortunately taken this event and made the argument that everybody gets a second chance to either reject or accept Jesus after death.  Prominent theologians like Dr. Molly Marshall-Green affirms this and I have written on the subject previously.

2)  Ransom Theory of the Atonement - Popular among Charismatics, many argue that at the cross Jesus paid a ransom to Satan.  I have huge problems with that.  Regardless many see Jesus' descent into hell as part of that ransom where Satan, demons, and the powers of hell tortured Christ.  Although this is not the traditional teaching on this subject, many have taken it and corrupted it.  Turn on TBN (which stands for Twisting the Bible Nightly) and you will see what I mean.

So though these are just two extremes one could point to when it comes to this subject, this isn't the best reason for rejecting the belief that Jesus descended into hell.  However, one must admit that taken to its logical end, these two wrong ideas are reasonable, though clearly misguided and wrong.

For more:
Theology - Be Wary of Dangers:  The Descent of Christ and Postmodern Salvation
Molly Marshall-Green - He Descended into Hell
Wayne Grudem - Did Jesus Descend Into Hell?
Russell Moore - Evangelical Feminism Lurches Leftward:  Is Molly Marshall an "Evangelical" Feminist?  
Theology - Piper:  Did Jesus Spend Saturday in Hell? 
Theology - Allison:  A History of the Doctrine of the Atonement

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