Saturday, March 19, 2011

Some Doctrine of Scripture Resources

Last week we discussed the Doctrine of Scripture and what we as Christians believe about it.  Obviously, we barely scratched the surface.  We weren't able to go into much detail regarding inerrancy, inspiration, or clarity (fancy word is perspicuity), among other things.  We discussed these some, but not in the detail they deserve.  Over the years I have written a good bit on these issues and want to pass some of them along to you.  What follows can be rather technical and academic as most of them were in the context of seminary work.  Forgive me for that, but I do want to make them available in one place.

The Clarity of Ambiguity: The Erosion of the Perspicuity of Scripture in the Emergent Church - the Complete Series | Click this link and it will take you to a series of links taken from a paper I wrote discussing the Emergent Church's understanding of the doctrine of the clarity of Scripture.  In short, they reject it and it is to their own shame.

The Real Divide: Luther, the Reformation, and the Fight Over Perspicuity - The Entire Series | Here is another series of links taken from a paper I wrote on the issue of the clarity of Scripture only this one is more historical.  Here I explore Martin Luther's understanding of perspicuity and argue that it was the central issue of the Reformation.

"God's Word in Human Words": Full Series | This is a series of links taken from a book critique I wrote on the book God's Word in Human Words: An Evangelical Appropriation of Critical Biblical Scholarship.  In the book, Kenton L. Sparks denies the inerrancy of Scripture arguing that it is unbiblical, unnecessary, and unbelievable.

This is Who We Are: What a Baptist Is and Believes - The Scriptures | This is taken from our series in the newsletter.

And here is the link I mentioned regarding what scholars have said is the message of Jesus in one sentence. I have offered two answers to the question of the Bible in one sentence:

The Bible is God's message of the good news of Jesus Christ from Creation to Consummation. 

Below are a couple of helpful videos on the message of the Bible.  Something we discussed in some detail.

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